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Consigliamo questo truck per tavole con una larghezza tra 8.375" - 8.625".
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Finally a low and wider truck! The chief reason as to why I have enjoyed riding Thunders of varying sorts is that they are pretty low and light. The lowest Thunder in 8.5 inches sits at just around 52mm tall. These AF1 Lows clock in at 49mm which is 3mm lower. AF1 Lows do sit at roughly 55g heavier than the Thunder Hollow Light IIs though but they make up for that somewhat because they don't extend the wheel base as much as a set of Thunders. I've had a look at my Thunders and they extend your wheel base by 3.25 inches whereas these Lows only extend it by 2.875 inches for a total difference of 0.375 inches less in effective wheel base than a set of Thunders on the same board. Trucks might weigh more but going up 0.375 inches in wheel base is going to make any truck feel heavier. For me the fact that these AF1 Lows are as low as they are is great. Snappy pop even with a relatively heavy truck and the axle is not hollowed out which makes it stronger. For as low a truck as it is you still retain an incredible amount of the renowned Ace turn even if you're riding 52mm wheels like I am. I've only been riding these trucks for a tiny little bit so far but as an Ace AF1 fan already I am sold on these too. Note to those who like to experiment. If you have the hollow AF1 55 hanger from the AF1 55 Hollows and you combine these with the AF1 55 Low baseplate you end up with a truck that weighs 360g. That is the same as a 149 Indie Forged Hollow and around 5 grams lighter than a standard 149 Thunder.
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